Buy the essential oil for African Wormwood / Wilde Als online, and use it for the following conditions in a burner or a defuser or use a few drops in bath water.
Artemesia afra
- heartburn, flatulence
- croup, whooping cough, influenza, fever
- gout
- coughs, colds, sore throat
- headaches, earaches
- malaria, intestinal worms
- mouth wash for gumboils, mouth ulcers
- indigestion, stomach cramps, loss of appetite, colic
- natural insecticidal sprays and cupboard fresheners
anti-viral, analgesic, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, anti-malarial, anti-nematodal, cardiovascular (hypotensive), cytotoxic, narcotic, sedative, anti-histamine, anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic
Click here to get a FREE e-book on " How to blend your own Essential Oils Without Being an Expert" for recipes of Essential Oil blends.